Purani Jeans is a Bollywood coming-of-age drama directed by Tanushri Chattrji Bassu, the film stars Tanuj Virwani, Aditya Seal and Izabelle Leite in lead roles. The film is based on the belief that – “friendship is like a pair of old jeans- the older it gets, the better it becomes”, and tells the story of young boy who returns to his hometown and reconnects with his old friends.
Directed by : Tanushri Chattrji Bassu
Produced by : Manju Lulla
Written by : Tanushri Chattrji Bassu
Starring : Tanuj Virwani, Aditya Seal, Izabelle Leite
Music by : Ram Sampath
Cinematography : Sunil Patel, Christo Bakalov
Editing by : Apurva Motiwale, Ashish Mhatre
Studio : Eros International
Release date : May 1, 2014
Language : Hindi
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